Hey Glorriors!
Today we are proud to release another video clip to promote our actual & 3rd studio album END OF THE NIGHT!
We have chosen it´s title track, which features very smooth violin performance by BLACK MESSIAHs very own mastermind ZAGAN!
Here are some screenshots – just click on one of the pictures to stream the video on youtube!
Dani & Johnny doing the chorus-backings:

Zagan (Black Messiah) on violin:

Audio engeneer Robin Mussmann (Boombox Studios):

The Video was filmed and edited by Jaegerrot Movie Productions, get in touch with them here
Purchase the new album END OF THE NIGHT as well as brand new merchandise items here at our official merch store
Enjoy our new music video HAIL TO THE KING from our new album END OF THE NIGHT. Please share it if you like it! The video was produced by JAEGERROT MOVIE PRODUCTION, thanks for the awesome job again! Check out our other videos here

Get the album as CD or limited green marbeled (150 copies only) or black vinyl (100 copies only) and all official merch-items directly from our bandcamp-mailorder:
We are proud to publish that the END OF THE NIGHT limited coloured & black vinyl editions are ready for pre-order now!
The vinly edition is released by ftwctp records under license from Massacre Records. Here are the necessary details for you:
Gloryful „End Of The Night“ – Vinyl, lim. 250 (150 green with slightly black; 100 black),
incl. large poster & signed photocard
Release August 26, 2016
ftwctp 005
16 Euro (plus postage)
The tracklisting of the vinyl is different from the tracklisting on the CD-version:
A1. Intro: Dawn Of The Raven King
A2. This Means War
A3. The Glorriors
A4. Hail To The King
A5. For Victory
A6. End Of The NightB1. Heart Of Evil
B2. God Against Man
B3. On Fire
B4. Rise Of The Sacred Star
Place your orders better sooner than later per e-mail here:
We found a new cooperation-partner to take care of the vinyl-release of our new album „End Of The Night“: FTWCTP-Records, a small but fine label, run by our good friend Jörg Müller, a guy that has fuckin´ dedicated his life to Heavy Metal Undergroud movement. He has put out some other nice ones, go check out his labelpage and store. So we are lucky to be in vinyl-modus again! More infos on this special collectors´release soon!

Hier kommt das erste Review zu unserem neuen Album „End Of The Night“. EMP Oliver macht den Anfang. Wir sagen Danke!
Die Heavy Metal Hoffnungsträger aus Deutschland – GLORYFUL – sind mit ihrem 3. Studioalbum zurück und erzählen die Geschichten um Cpt. McGuerkin und seine Crew weiter. Ein sagenhaft gut vertontes Stück metallischer Schmiedekunst, das auch seine harten Seiten nicht vermissen lässt und das ein oder andere Mal die Messer wetzt!
„In nur drei Jahren ebenso viele Alben zu produzieren und das bei stetig steigender Qualität – dafür darf, nein muss man den Hut vor den Gelsenkirchener Power-Metallern ziehen. Das atmosphärische Intro „Dawn of the raven king“ baut die Spannung für die bisher beste Scheibe der Jungs um Frontmann Johnny La Bomba geschickt auf, bevor mit „This means war“ die erste echte Keule ausgepackt wird. Mit enormem Speed, jeder Menge Druck und cleveren Breaks ist hier ein echter Brecher gelungen, der allerdings längst nicht der einzige bleiben soll. Die von einer majestätischen Melodie geführte Hymne „Heart of evil“ etwa, ist wie gemacht für große Arenen. „End of the night“ dagegen ist eine wunderbar gefühlvolle, intime Ballade, deren Folk-Elemente nicht nur zum Mitträumen sondern auch zum Mitsingen anregen. „Hail to the king“ stellt schließlich eine brillante Vermengung der besten Momente von Gloryfuls Helden Manowar und Sabaton dar – inklusive fantastischer Gitarrensoli. Wahrlich ein „glorreiches“ Werk. Bitte weiter so!“
Oliver Kube, EMP (24.06.2016)


Die Releaseshow ist am 27.08 in Duisburg! Mehr Infos dazu hier:
Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 8:00PM
The birth of our new album entitled „End Of The Night“ will be honoured by one exclusive album release show. The show will take place in our hometown Duisburg @Jz Die Mühle, Clarenbachstrasse 14! You will get the new album for a special price only on that day and every visitor gets a FREE Din-A1 Cover Poster and a signed photo-card.
We will be supportet by two of the hottest German Newcomers in Metal ABNORMAL END and IGNITION!
Follow this link to Official facebook eventTickets will be only available at doors from 19:30, start will be 20:00! Be there – don´t miss this one.

Hoho, today we are proud to unleash the cover artwork of our new album „END OF THE NIGHT“, that will be out in stores and online 26th august!
The painting was done by belgian Master KRIS VERWIMP, who also showed responsible for our first and second album covers.
The album was mixed and mastered by Powerwolf Axeman Charles Greywolf at Studio Greywolf. 
You can pre-order your copy here
More details coming very soon – stay tuned!
Awesomeness!!! Now it’s official..
We proudly announce to be now a part of the strong family of Continental Concerts, which is home for such acts like Accept, Cannibal Corpse, Orden Ogan, Axel Rudi Pell, Ensiferum and Metal Church! We are looking forward to a great run of cool shows.
Many thanks to the nice people at Continental Concerts for believing in us & their full support!

For alle booking request, please contact Mike Heinemann at
Continental website:
Continental on facebook:
We are very happy to announce that we will play at this years famous METALDAYS in Tolmin, Slovenia alongside living legends such as Sacred Reich, Blind Guardian, At The Gates, Testament, Kreator, a.m.o.! We will hit the stage on 27th of july, so be shure to be there already! Of course we´ll meet at the beach and perhaps in the water afterwards to share some beers with you 🙂
Get your tickets here
Find all other information on the event here on the official website

Only 2 months ago we had the opportunity to play two shows in Romania. We had wonderful times in Bucharest and Craiova and made a lot of new friends.
We are still shocked about the horrible desaster that happened recently at a show of „Goodby to Gravity“ in Bucharest at club „Colectiv“.
The new videoclip for „Ocean Blade“ was taken at our two shows in Romania. We want to dedicate this one to the victims, their mates and families and the entire romanian Heavy Metal scene!
We will definitlly return in 2016!
You can watch the video here